10 things to do 1 week before travelling

Check your travelling status

You booked your flight tickets so advanced but never wonder how things could mess up if, “Sorry sir, you are not allowed to travel due your PTPTN loan got blacklisted?”. First, you can go to this website http://sspi2.imi.gov.my/ as this website enables Malaysian to check their immigration status on application for passport and travelling overseas. Just put your identity card number and see if there is any restriction for you to travel. Keep in mind that the status only valid the day and time you perform the checking. To play safe, you can also call directly to any financial institution you owe them for confirmation.

Do online web check-in for your boarding pass

If you’re travelling with the low cost airline, it is better to do web check in because it buys you some time in case you’re stuck in traffic and late to airport. But if you’re travelling with friends then you want better seats without paying, another option is to come early do the counter check in earlier. For my case, I have missed two international flights before with same airlines and I will make sure I will reach the airport 3-4 hours early. My experience taught me that “you get what you paid for” 🙂

Access to internet when travelling

No matter where you travel, you must have access to the internet. Travelling will be easier with a good internet connection so you can access anything you want to know about the place you’re exploring. You have a lot of option for this but for me there’s only two best way s in doing this. First, you rent a modem at the local store to use it when you’re travelling. It will cost a lot cheaper RM25/day compare if you’re roaming from your mobile. You can get one at Mid Valley they called it Visiondata. The second option is to rent the modem at the airport where your destination should be. You can do some research on which data provider provides you the best package of internet.  For my case, I will travel to japan and Pupuru is the famous one used by the tourists.

Finalize your itinerary

My previous post is about how we create our itinerary to specific place, at specific time with a detailed research. So just one week before you travel, finalize all that. Maybe you want to slot in a new discovered place and considering all the budgets and distance. By finalizing, you will have a smooth travel experience with a clear mind 🙂

Listing out your shopping list

Not much money to spend on your mind? Do a shopping list, a specific one and you can restrict yourself from buying the unnecessary ones. Some people might not like this idea but for me, it’s a good way to manage your money so that you have enough cash through out the journey.

Purchase your theme park tickets online

I hate queuing so I always purchase my tickets online. Themes parks has become very significant places to visit especially for families, and even for us the not-so-young adult :). I find it a bit tricky to purchase online tickets for certain countries which used a different writing language like Japanese or Korean. I did my research and found this useful reference that I finally managed to buy our tickets online for Universal Studio Japan. Here is the link: http://www.dondelaofertamelleve.com/p/how-to-buy-usj-tickets-online.html

Travel outfits

Of course you want to travel with style and look good in the picture. Ok come on, who don’t? The easiest way to pack your stuff is by doing staples. Which shirt matches with this pant and which jacket suits the boots and all that. I will do this every single time and it helped a lot because you don’t have time to match your outfit while travelling. Matching outfit for Autumn or any season give me a lot of fun too.  Start your travel outfit staples by Day 1 Day 2 and so on.

fall staples 1


Hotel Confirmation

This could be very simple that you can email or call the hotel you are going to stay for your vacation. If you have any inquiries, just give them the notification maybe if you need to drop your luggage earlier or do a late check in, you might want to inform the hotel representative for that. Or maybe you require an extra bed, or you require any service that fits yourself during the stay.

Snacks Shopping

This refers to an emergency situation when you get hungry in the middle of the night like me 🙂 Shop your snacks before you travel because you know what you need here and where you can buy them. My list of favorite snacks goes longer and longer before I could fly and I’m gonna fit them inside one bag. Another way of saving money if you’re renting an apartment or stay at your friend’s place, you can buy the cooking ingredients and start cooking!

Arrange transport to the airport

Take the train from KL Sentral would be the easiest way of avoiding traffic or any hassles on the way to the airport. But if you have a lot of stuff, then call a cab or any Uber driver to drive you and make sure they are punctual.

Happy travelling and I pray your journey will be smooth all the way.






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